Equine Assisted Learning (EAL)
is a learner based educational and experiential experience with horses while NO riding is involved
It is an effective approach to human development
that encourages Emotional Intelligence Development in participants.
EAL is Research backed
The EAL method is supported by a 5-year research study from the University of Calgary, Saskatoon and Regina.
Equine Assisted Learning has proven to be useful, powerful, positive, educational, and creative in developing multiple types of life skills for individuals from diverse social background:
Emotional awareness
Achievement drive
Critical thinking
Service orientation
Developing others
Leveraging diversity
Understanding others
Conflict management
Building bonds
Collaboration and cooperation
Team capabilities
Problem Solving
ONLY HORSES offer this Opportunity!
Horses are prey animals: Emotions are created and regulated by the limbic system both in humans and horses; the horses’ limbic system is highly effective, and their flight instinct is very much operating; even though horses have been domesticated for centuries, their prey animal nature is still highly efficient and active making them “super emotions scanners”. A horse can hear a heart beat 3-miles away and will pick up any subtle changes in the human limbic system.
Horses give immediate feedback: Participants experience an immediate positive reinforcement to their emotional change because the horse’s behaviour will change as fast as the participant emotional state or behaviour changes. This also applies to energy within a group of participants, making EAL very efficient in team building exercises.
Horses are genuine!: Their feedback is consistent and reliable. A horse’s behaviour is ALWAYS the results of a specific stimuli.
Horses are large and powerful animals: Accomplishing a task with a horse despite its intimidating size; building trust with this majestic animal and being able to communicate with it without judgement is rewarding; it is a confidence builder for participants who, overcoming their fears and insecurities, will carry over the experience over to dealing with other challenges and intimidating situations.
Horse’s non-verbal communication system and perception are very acute, reliable, systematic and consistent; providing facilitators with opportunities for teachable moments that would not have been recognized otherwise.
Horses socially function in a very structured and respected hierarchy that is never challenged without immediate and clear correction making a clear parallel with the workplace environment. Through the exercises, the horse is always a member of the team that other team members must communicate with; a lack of communication, team work or authenticity will be picked up by a horse before any humans can identify it, allowing facilitators an insightful view of the dynamics within a group or within an individual.
Horses will question contradictory behaviour:Horses will question and challenge the participants’ ability to lead. Each participant eventually learns that to be successful in the exercises, horses demand the development of honest relationships based on respect and trust which empowers individuals to carry the lessons into all aspects of life.
Horses create a positive emotional state: Recent studies conducted by the Institute of HeartMath provide a clue to explain the bidirectional "healing" that happens when we are near horses. According to researchers, the heart has a larger electromagnetic field and higher level of intelligence than the brain: A magnetometer can measure the heart's energy field radiating up to 8 to 10 feet around the human body. While this is certainly significant it is perhaps more impressive that the electromagnetic field projected by the horse's heart is five times larger than the human one (imagine a sphere-shaped field that completely surrounds you). The horse's electromagnetic field is also stronger than ours and can actually directly influence our own heart rhythm! Horses are also likely to have what science has identified as a "coherent" heart rhythm (heart rate pattern) which explains why we may "feel better" when we are around them. . . .studies have found that a coherent heart pattern or HRV is a robust measure of well-being and consistent with emotional states of calm and joy--that is, we exhibit such patterns when we feel positive emotions.
EAL follows the BuildingBlock™ Curriculum
Participants engage in objectives driven exercises and find themselves learning valuable insights about themselves and others and spontaneously seeking and achieving change in a fun and safe environment.
Horses provide opportunities to attain immediate, honest and observable feedback with cause and effect situations
Experiential learning relies on the value of personal and independent reflection from which insights will emerge as the participants interact in the group; experiential learning happens when;
A learning experience (a teachable moment) through the exercise/challenge is offered
Individuals are encouraged to reflect, describe, communicate ideas
Team and individuals come to conclusions drawn from reflection on specific situations at hand
Conclusions are followed by individually journaling the progress.
New learning is applied as a building block to previous experiences
A parallel is made between the learning moment and life
The focus is not on the “act of completion” of the exercise but rather each individual participant’s “Journey in Learning”.
EAL develops Emotional Intelligence via immediate, honest and observable feedback with cause and effect situations.
Improvement of personal awareness while enhancing verbal and non-verbal communication skills
BuildingBlock™ Curriculum allows repetition of skills through multiple approaches; at each session, participants will apply skills in multiple various ways: skills are read, heard and written at each sessions and applied multiple times through each session leading participants to build a habit in just 12 weeks.
Learn empathy and willingness to accept responsibility while developing healthy relationships
Receive insight into group dynamics while enhancing problem solving skills
Learning to breakdown defensive barriers and appreciate other team members
Development of patience while considering the needs of others
Empowerment to expand comfort zones while building confidence and self esteem
Being challenged in a non-judgemental way
Develop personal work ethics, responsibility and appropriate assertiveness
Learn the importance of hierarchy and appreciating the value of community
Provide an appreciation for differences and diversity
Ability to be smart risk takers and fair minded team players
Impulse control while improving decision making skills
Having fun while remaining mindful and engaged
EAL current applications:
Develop existing and future workforce needed skills
Youth/Adults Life and Professional Skills
Bullying Prevention and Resilience
At risk individuals
Physically or emotionally impaired individuals
Leadership development in schools and workplaces
Team Building exercises
Personal Development
Mental Health and Resilience to Stress
EAL Formula
Horses + Objective based Exercises + Effective Facilitation + Experiential Learning
= Positive Lasting Change
Research on Equine Assisted Learning
Equine Assisted Learning in the Media
Click images below to open
Western Horse Review:
These unique programs are contributing to the wellbeing of First Nations youth
Strathmore Times: "It's helped him dealing with people, (.....) and taking it over to with the siblings and other kids," said Tammy, Chayton's mom.
Financial Press:
Bill Robinson, Vice President Human Resources, Husky Oil attests, “(...) working with horses (...) can also be instrumental in developing effective teams that are aligned and working towards a common purpose. The fact that the benefits are evident almost immediately makes for a fantastic team building event that can actually produce results.
How Equine Assisted Learning contributes to the wellbeing of First Nations youth in treatment for volatile substance misuse
When the youth are “actively engaged with the horses, they become their true self” one leader explained.
"Both the horses and the children may have had negative experiences with past relationships and are seeking trust and connection"
In the NEWS
Family Channel
CTV Morning Show
CTV Morning Show
CTV Morning Show with Asst. Principal
CTV Morning Show
Global News